News Article
Band Reminders- Mr. Larson Luther High School

We also have a fall registration meeting for all band members on Wednesday August 16th at 6:30pm at Luther High in the Band Room.
Looking forward to seeing new band members at the registration meetings.
If you are a returning band member, you can put your form and money in an envelope and give it to your instructor at lessons or you can just send your registration form and check (payable to Luther High School) to: 
Luther High School
Attention: LES Band Registration / Mr. Larson
1501 Wilson Street 
Onalaska, WI 54650
Any questions, please feel free to call or email me. 
God’s Blessings on your day!
Dan Larson, Luther High / LES Band Director
“Creating Musicians for Christ”
LHS: (608)783-5435 ex1320
Cell: (507) 858-4541
God’s Blessings!
Author: Mr. Essig   E-Mail: