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Religion (Christ-Light)

This week's theme: God's Word is the one thing needed.

Lessons: Mary and Martha
             The Parable of the Great Banquet

Memory Treasures for the week: Psalm 119:105, Luke 11:28
                                               2 Timothy 3:16
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3rd Math - The third graders will have a test on Ch. 8 (More Division Facts) on Thursday. The students have a bag in their folders with the math wheels for the division facts to help them study.

4th Math - The fourth graders will have a test on Ch. 9 (Factors and Multiples) on Wednesday. Then they will start a chapter on fraction concepts.
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3rd Grade: Unit 18       Assessment and Review
Basic Words: splash, strong, stretch, think, change, place, large, since, again, another, animal, around, simple, jumble, circle, shuffle, across, draw, belong, straw

4th Grade:  Unit 18           Assessment and Review
Basic Words: apart, tart, parent, scare, cargo, built, instead, meant, ready, enough, knuckle, wrist, dough, fasten, known, quiet, quite, quarter, question, quilt, baggage, gem, judge, strange, village
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3rd Grade - Lesson 13 - Test on Monday
Story - Yonder Mountain
Vocabulary - examined, peak, rugged, mist, fondly, steep, pausing, pleaded

4th Grade - Lesson 13 - Test on Monday
Story - Antarctic Journal
Vocabulary - display, alert, standards, vision, huddle, weariness, fractured, graceful, stranded, concluded
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        This week the students will start the process of writing fractured fairy tales.


     For our final science unit the students will study meteorology. This week we will learn about Earth's atmosphere and the water cycle.