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                 SING PRAISES TO THE LORD!


On Sunday, March 16, K-2 will sing a song of praise to the Lord in the 8:00 a.m. worship service.  Please send your child to Mrs. Dorn’s classroom by 7:45 a.m. that day. We would like to sing through the selection together before walking over to the church.  The children will sing immediately after the bell has rung, so please allow room for your child to sit with you in the pew after the song is finished. Thanks so much!

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            March Reading Incentive Program
During the month of March, the children will be encouraged to read at their personal level(assignments given in Reading Goals).  YOUR CHILD'S GOAL: 20 minutes/5 times a week.

A reading calendar can be found in your child's Take Home Folder. Please sign in the date box every time your child has a "reading experience" this month. Please leave the calendar in the folder for the entire month, so it is easy to view your child's reading progress. For every day that they participate in our reading program, they will receive a Happy Camper buck to fill their classroom wallet. These Happy Camper bucks can be used in our "classroom store" at the end of the month.