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       December Reading Incentive Program
   Please return the DECEMBER calendar by Monday, January 6. Thanks so much!
During the month of December, the children will be encouraged to read at their personal level(assignments given in Reading Goals).  YOUR CHILD'S GOAL: 20 minutes/5 times a week.

A reading calendar can be found in your child's Take Home Folder. Please sign in the date box every time your child has a "reading experience" this month. Please leave the calendar in the folder for the entire month, so it is easy to view your child's reading progress. For every day that they participate in our reading program, they will receive a Happy Camper buck to fill their classroom wallet. These Happy Camper bucks can be used in our "classroom store" at the end of the month. 




Christmas Ornaments

We are ready to decorate our classroom tree! Please encourage your child to bring one or two Christmas ornaments to add to our tree. They will be returned at the school Christmas party. Thank you!

            Word a Day

                         ALL ABOUT CAVES

                     Word a Day 2024

       Animals of Carlsbad Cavern National Park


December 3          Cora                    Brazilian free -tail bat

December 4          Brynlee                cave swallows

December 5          Carter                 kangaroo rats

December 6          Jade                   Chihuahuan Desert pocket mouse


           Animals of Mammoth Cave National Park


December 9          Harper                 gray bat

December 10        Elliot                    eyeless crayfish

December 11         Reagan                 big brown bat

December 12        Caleb                    Rafinesque's big-eared bat 

December 13        Stella                   cave cricket


December 16         Kylie                     eastern grey squirrel

December 17         Eli                         white-tailed deer

December 18         Nathan                  cave salamander

December 19         Wyatt                    eastern box turtle

December 20        Maddux                    eastern copperhead snake

December 23        Eleanor                    American bullfrog









1. Word a Day presentations are divided into themes throughout the school year.  Each child will be assigned a word and a certain day to  "show and tell" about their special word.
2. A schedule will be sent home indicating when your children will present to the class.
3. Please help your child to write a sentence and draw a picture describing the assigned word. Feel free to find a colored picture on the Internet, as well. There is a Word a Day template in your child's Skill Practice Binder to use each time he/she presents.
4. In addition to the paper definition and providing a picture, I encourage the children to show their word in a creative way. 
Lego blocks
Model Magic
toothpicks, craft sticks, or other fun art supplies
paint a picture
kid-friendly video on the Internet (Please send the video to me in advance. Thanks!)

            Christmas Eve Recitations and Songs 2024

This year's Christmas Eve Service is titled, "Carols of Christmas".  Your child will be asked to learn specific Bible passages to recite in a group. There will also be a class song, hymns and an all school anthem.  When possible, please spend time practicing and reviewing these parts with your child. We do practice the recitations in school, but extra reinforcement from home is greatly appreciated! Watch the Memory Treasures site each week to learn when each song or recitation will be said or sung.
..More Information